Dr. Ștefan Ciobanu
- Ortodonție și Ortopedie Dento-Facială
Cursuri și congrese de specialitate:
- Mastering Ideal Case Finishing, Dr. Sercan AKYALÇIN
- The Straight-Wire Mirabella 2-Year Orthodontic Program
- An Introduction to Tweed Philosophy and Biomechanics, DR. Giovanni Biondi
- Curs Ortodonție Practică – Dr. Andrei Iacob, Dr. Bogdan Geamănu, Dr. Adina Sîrbu
- Orthodontic Treatment for adult multidisciplinary complex cases: rational and efficient biomechanics – Dr. Cesare Luzi, DDS, MSc
- FAS Pro – Certification Course, Dr. Domingo Martin, Dr. Alberto Canabez
- CLEARCORRECT, Diagnosing & Treatment Planning – Beyond the Basics
- Invisalign Certification
- Congresul Universității de Medicină și Farmacie ,,CAROL DAVILA’’ din București, Ediția a X-a
- Congresul Colegiului Medicilor Stomatologi din București ,,Viziuni și tendințe în practica stomatologică’’
- Introduction to TMJ Imaging, conventional techniques, CT/CBCT in diagnostics of TMJs
- Skeletal anchorage and creativity in Orthodontics: a powerful combination, Dr. André Machado
- Palatal Expander Anchored on Deciduous Teeth in Mixed Dentition Indication, Tips and Tricks, Dr. Marco Rosa
- Orthodontic treatment with mixed dentititon: analysis of 30 years of “traps” and “successes”, Dr. Marco Rosa
- Serial extraction methods. Early appliance treatment, Dr. Lorenz Moser
- The use of fixed and removable functional appliance in children, Dr. Padhraig Fleming
- Growth modification by class III and class II orthopedics, Dr. Hugo De Clerck
- Condyle Position and Skeletal Anchorage in Hyperdivergent Patients, Dr. Domingo Martin