The most important thing teenagers have to keep in mind is the fact that the teeth they have in their teen years are permanent and when damaged, they will not be replaced by other natural teeth, which is why maintaining dental health is highly important. The first step, most simple and efficient, is hygiene: dental hygiene you do at home and the one performed in the dental office by a specialist are the most important parts of maintaining a good oral health.
Prophylaxis is the first and most important part of dental care. By respecting the prophylactic instructions you save time and effort, and avoid the possible discomfort of serious dental treatments.
During the professional prophylaxis session the bacterial plaque which cannot be brushed away at home will be removed with speacial tools. Bacterial plaque affects, in time, both the enamel and the gums. This is much more needed during teenage, when the hygiene and diet habits are not the best or lacking.
There are two types of dental prophylaxis:
- personal: the regular brushing, regular use of dental floss and mouthwash and a healthy diet
- professional: the periodical dental check-up, professional brushing and scaling twice a year.